Com 212
Look around the room you’re in right now.
How does this room make you feel? 
    Slightly clustered and anxious.
What mood or feeling is created by the size of the space, furniture, lighting, and color? 
It's a very comfortable setting usually but today it is messy. :(
What does the room say to others about who you are? 
The room says that I am still moving. :) 
 How much does environmental and artifact nonverbal communication affect you?
    When it is this crazy I feel anxious moody and behind. I like things in there place, and definitely failing at that right now.
2. Take the “Test Your Deception Acceptance” quiz on page 206 in the text. What is your deception acceptance score?
What are some of the positive and negative relational effects that you have personally experienced from holding this view of deception?
I don't like to be honest because what's inside my head is not always the nicest thing for someone to have to hear, people tend to respond negatively.  I lie as a use of verbal blocker. Which just frustrates me more. I would love to tell people the truth all the time but if I did no one would talk to me, and I would make zero tips.
Do you think it is important to adapt your level of deception based on the context of the situation? Why or why not?
    When I am working of course I am being deceptful, I server which is basically acting with food. If you think I want to jump through rings to kiss your butt for two dollar tip, your wrong. I lie everyday to my customers, but in my personal life I am being honest whether you like it or not. If I was honest with everyone though all the time I would have no job, or friends.